Total Water Conservation
Magic waterless urinals function on gravity flow and use absolutely no water. NO FLUSH waterless urinals resemble conventional wall-hung fixtures, but do not require a water supply or flush valve. They connect to standard 2" drain lined. WATERLESS No-Flush waterless urinals are easily retrofitted in existing rest rooms installations.
Elimination of Urinal Odors
In waterless urinals urine is isolated from the rest room atmosphere. The EcoTrap, a special drain insert, contains a layer of BlueSeal liquid that floats on top of the urine in the trap and forms a barrier against sewer vapor escape. This Ecotrap barrier is more sanitary than the pool of diluted urine that seals the conventional urine drain.
Better Hygiene
because WATERLESS waterless urinals are both dry and flushless. Bacteria require water to live. Dry surfaces are hostile to bacteria. Flushing fixtures are known to spread bacterial aerosols, which then seed nearby wet and damp spots to form new growths. Hygiene is thereby greatly improved by installing No-Flush waterless urinals. Additionally, the No-Flush feature is accomplished with no flushometer.
Reduced Maintenance
from flush valve repair, encrustations, plugged drains, overflow and vandalism. There are no moving parts in Magic Waterless Urinals! Custodial maintenance is similar or less than conventionally flushed fixture.
Drastic Cost Savings
h by eliminating water and sewer charges. Installation costs are generally less than for conventional fixtures. Payback periods for No-Flush waterless urinals retrofits are usually one to three years.
Participation in Public incentive Programs
using rebate and vouchers. Current programs utilize WATERLESS No-flush urinals to conserve water supplies, to lower sewer plant loadings and to mitigate new buildings construction in situations with restricted capacities or moratoriums.
EcoTrap Principle
1. Urine flows down into the patented vertical EcoTrap drain insert.
2. In the waterless EcoTrap the urine passes through a floating layer of BlueSeal liquid, which forms a barrier that prevents sewer vapors from escaping to the rest room atmosphere.
3. Urine under the barrier layer overflows into the central tube and runs down to the conventional drain line.
BlueSeal Liquid
A thin layer of BlueSEal suffices to isolate urine and sewer odors from the atmosphere. A unique liquid, it does not dissolve, mix or react chemically with urine. It is over 95% biodegradable, does not evaporate at 100 F and pours at -65 F. Most commercial cleaning agents do not affect BlueSeal. Its pleasant fragrance eliminates the need for deodorizers. One quart of BlueSeal lasts for 15,000 to 20,000 waterless urinal uses, replacing the 15,000 to 20,000 gallons of water flushed by conventional urinals.